Daiki Satoi, Ph.D. 里井 大輝
AI Researcher, Advanced Technology Division, SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
株式会社スクウェア・エニックス テクノロジー推進部 AIリサーチャー
Contact: dsatoi [at] acm.org
About me: A researcher / developer in the game industry.
Research interests: Game AI, Game UX, Games user research, Emotion in game design


Changing the Game: Measuring and Influencing Player Emotions Through Meta AI

Daiki Satoi and Yuta Mizuno

GDC 2019 AI Summit
CEDEC 2019

Unified Motion Planner for Fishes with Various Swimming Styles

Daiki Satoi, Mikihiro Hagiwara, Akira Uemoto, Hisanao Nakadai, and Junichi Hoshino

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2016)

Publications (selected)

Journal Papers

  1. Satoi, D., Hagiwara, M., Uemoto, A., Nakadai, H., Hoshino, J.: Unified Motion Planner for Fishes with Various Swimming Styles, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2016), Vol.35, No.4, 2016
  2. 里井大輝, 中䑓久和巨, 星野准一: 動きの突発性と多様性に基づく熱帯魚の生命的アニメーションシステム, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.56, No.11, pp.2131-2140, 2015

Book chapter

  1. Satoi, D., Mizuno, Y.: Meta Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Director. In: Lee N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, Cham, 2020

Invited Talks

  1. 里井大輝, 萩原幹大, 上元晃, 中臺久和巨, 星野准一: 魚類の多様な泳法を再現する統一的モーションプランナー, Visual Computing / グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム 2016, 早稲田大学国際会議場, June 18-19, 2016


  1. 里井大輝: 感情を揺さぶるメタAI ~ゲームへの実装方法とバランス調整への応用事例~, CEDEC 2019, 2019
  2. Satoi, D., Mizuno, Y.: Changing the Game: Measuring and Influencing Player Emotions Through Meta AI, GDC 2019 AI Summit, 2019

Credited Works

  • Kingdom Hearts III, SQUARE ENIX, 2019